Investing in infrastructure –
Prince Edward Island is the first Canadian jurisdiction to provide residents free access to a new online tool that will help lower their energy bills.
The MyEnergyXpert platform can help homes and business reduce their energy usage, save money, and shrink their carbon footprint. Islanders can access MyEnergyXpert for free by visiting is external).
“Prince Edward Island’s size is our strength, making us nimble and connected enough to bring forward innovative resources from tip to tip that support our families, businesses and communities,” said Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy Minister Paula Biggar. “MyEnergyXpert will help Islanders make positive changes with regards to energy efficiency and support our province’s energy and climate changes goals.”
MyEnergyXpert is used by organizations and utilities across Canada but Prince Edward Island is the first jurisdiction in Canada to announce a province-wide launch.
Users will input basic information about their homes and businesses into the program, and MyEnergyXpert will:
•allow Islanders to perform home energy audits using their desktop, tablet or mobile device;
•provide customized recommendations; and
•help users find applicable programs and rebates available through efficiencyPEI.
MyEnergyXpert is an MIT award-winning platform by Toronto-based company energyX Solutions. efficiencyPEI has been collaborating with energyX Solutions to customize a version of this platform for Prince Edward Island.
“The province of Prince Edward Island has a strong vision to promote energy conservation throughout the province and we have been working very closely with them, through efficiencyPEI, to make this vision a reality” said Nishaant Sangaavi, CEO of energyX. “Our motto at energyX is ‘energy management for all,’ and we are excited to play in a role in empowering every Islander to become energy efficient through our platform, MyEnergyXpert.”
Prince Edward Island released a 10-year energy strategy in March 2017. The plan aims to develop a stronger, more sustainable and resilient province with a focus on sustainability, energy efficiency, conservation and generating more renewable energy.