The Liberal Party unveiled its strategy this morning for “Putting PEI on the Map.”
Premier MacLauchlan identified 5 of the points made by the Liberal Party over the course of the campaign as being of particular importance to PEI’s future: playing to our strengths; trade and prospecting; a positive relationship with the Federal Government; growing our population; and shared objectives.
With respect to our strengths, Premier MacLauchlan stated that “Certain sectors of the economy have seen positive growth, notably our new knowledge-based sectors such as aerospace, bioscience, IT and renewable energy. Areas such as marine technology hold great promise. One thing that we are exceptionally good at is producing food of world-class quality.”
“The quality of our food sets us apart from most of the competition. We have to take greater advantage of this distinguishing characteristic. If we do it properly, we can create many more jobs across the entire spectrum, from the farm to food processing to the research lab and everywhere in between.”
The Premier also commented on the importance of trade and prospecting. “If we can grow the economy, the level of economic activity increases and with it so does revenue for the government that can be used for front line programs and services.” The Liberal Party believes that a positive and effective relationship with the Federal Government is also essential.
“We have an advantage or gift of jurisdiction. Our status as a province gives us the opportunity to advocate for Islanders in a way that other parts of the country with similar populations cannot. We must be persistent, and we must be persuasive, in a professional and diplomatic way, in pressing the Federal Government on these and other issues.
The Premier also spoke of the importance of a strategy to grow our population, something that the Liberal Party had announced the previous day, as well as the need for a commitment to shared objectives.
“I fundamentally believe that we are moving, collectively, into some unchartered and choppy waters. We need all hands on deck. We have to find the collective will to come together, and to work together, for the benefit of all.”
“I am profoundly optimistic about the future of Prince Edward Island.”
“We have challenges, but I am confident that we have the ability to overcome those challenges and to prosper.”
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Media Contact • Grant Palmer •