Charlottetown – Premier Wade MacLauchlan announced a new Liberal government will continue to transform the delivery of mental health and addictions services to ensure Islanders have timely access to the care and supports they require in the most appropriate setting.
The Premier said that a Liberal government will redesign and redevelop adult mental health inpatient and outpatient services.
Premier MacLauchlan indicated that the Hillsborough Hospital is beyond its service life. A new Liberal Government will address the needs of Islanders requiring in-patient mental health services while supporting community-based services. Investing in community-based supports can provide early intervention, which is critical for recovery.
“Prince Edward Island’s healthcare professionals and community partners are highly skilled and dedicated to providing the best care possible; it is critical that this care is provided in the proper setting so that care is optimized and Islanders have the best opportunities for recovery,” said the Premier.
One in five Islanders will experience a mental health issue or addiction. A Liberal Government recognizes that an integrated approach is required to treat mental health and addictions. Government departments will work with Health PEI and community partners to provide care throughout a patient’s recovery, including aftercare, and continue to work to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and addictions.
Investments in methadone treatment, including support for a physician-led clinic, have helped hundreds of Islanders break their addictions, turn their lives around, and return to work. These improvements have seen a decline in the use of inpatient services. For the first time in many years, Islanders requiring inpatient treatment are being admitted and receiving the help they need immediately.
Premier MacLauchlan committed that a Liberal government will build on this success and expand access to addictions and methadone treatments to continue to reduce wait lists for treatment. Additionally, detox and counseling services at community hospitals will be expanded so that Islanders can receive the help and supports they need closer to home and in rural communities.
A Liberal government will operate the new 12-bed provincial Youth Recovery Centre in Summerside and open a new dedicated 12-bed youth mental health unit in Charlottetown. This new unit will offer a wide range of expanded therapy and specialist services, as well as a new day program.
“Mental health and addictions services are among the most important, yet complicated, areas of healthcare – one in five Canadians experiences a mental health issue or addiction every year,” said the Premier. “These initiatives will provide early and sustained intervention for youth, which is critical for success.”
Media Contact: Grant Palmer • 902.393.7975 •